This course is designed to help everyone begin their journey of adventure in doing theology. It has been designed to help those with no formal theological education to catch the vision of the joy of getting to know God better, and embrace his mission more fully. We do require payment for the course, but students are free to make a donation and by doing so will our ministry and mission.

In this short course, we introduce people to the basics of getting started in theology. It is free and interactive course, however, if people do wish to donate we have donate button that allows them to support our ministry and mission.

In this series of lectures, Dr Shoonmaker relates homiletical theory to practice. Will it make you a better preacher at the end of the course? 
We hope so, although one thing is for sure, you will be more reflective in your preparation. Whilst Noel Schoonmaker has prepared and delivered these lectures in the USA, many of the principles and desire for good practices span both time and geographical location. It has a particularly good section on African-American preachers and every student of homiletics could benefit from this consideration. 
Dr Shoonmaker is a friend of TTA and we are delighted that he has permitted us to use his video and notes. We have taken his materials and adapted the learning style so that you will also be able to adapt it to your own preaching environment. If you join the course we will assign you one of our supervisors who will grade your work. 
The module will consist of having to watch the videos, reflect upon the course notes, answer multiple-choice questions, complete written assignments and submit a video of your most recent delivered sermon.

In the shifting cultural sands of the West, Christianity is no longer a dominant worldview or an accepted norm. Twenty-first-century Christians find themselves pushed to the edges of contemporary culture, exiled in a strange land. Rather than choosing comfort as our response or abandoning lifelong spiritual patterns, how can we face the erosion of Cultural Christianity as resilient disciples with a long-haul faith built on a firm foundation?

This course offers a roadmap for this kind of intentional discipleship life. Through biblical reflection, practical teaching and active learning, it will enable participants to discover key principles and practices that contribute to a life of lasting faith – one that is grounded in faithful discipleship but also pulsing with life and faith-fueled adventure.

Whilst the course is priced at £19.99 for individuals which will include supervision. It is also possible to study the course within a small group setting, If you are wanting to study Resilient Discipleship as part of a small group of 6 or more members, contact us for discount details.

The back-to-basics course is a great opportunity to get to learn more about the bible. In this course, the student will be introduced to the biblical character of Sarah and using Sarah's life and her encounter with God, the student will be able to discern more about God's revelation to us through scripture.

In this uniquely designed course, you will be required to interact through the group forum and correspond directly with your college supervisor. To be awarded a certificate of completion, each student will be required to complete both the assignments and multiple-choice quizzes. This is an excellent course for both individual and group study.

Whilst individually priced at £9.99, small groups of six or more can avail of a group discount. To find out further details or benefit from group discount please email the college and a supervisor will get back to you as soon as possible.