Do you have premises?

Northern Ireland

We have premises in Ballymena, Northern Ireland. TTA operates from 41-43 Larne Street and provides teaching courses both online and in-person.


We are made up of evangelicals from a number of different theological traditions. We do not represent any particular denominational viewpoint. Lecturers are free to represent their own evangelical tradition, this often leads to rich and passionate discussion. Students too come from a variety of theological backgrounds and all that we require is that you respect the viewpoints of others and frame your discussions within the context of grace and love.

Historically Evangelical

The short answer to that is we accept and endorse the historic creeds of the Church. To summarise it within a more contemporary content we endorse the basis of faith presented by the Evangelical Alliance UK.


To navigate to a summary of the basis of faith presented by the Evangelical Alliance please click on the 'open page in new window'.


TTA is made up of volunteers and we secured charitable status as we seek to benefit people educationally. Our desire is to make theology affordable, accessible and achievable for anyone who would like to study it. By providing this opportunity we wish therefore to pursue two main objectives. Firstly, the study of theology within, a missional context, leads to the transformation of the individual and surrounding community. Secondly, from the proceeds of the minimal fees charged that we proactively support, by encouragement and financial contribution, local and global missions.

Contextualised Partner 

The process of accreditation is a difficult process to summarise. Firstly, we are more concerned that we provide adequate teaching that is faithful, competent and professional. Seeking to achieve this objective does not require, although it may not exclude, the process of external accreditation. Secondly, we have now secured a contextualised partnership with Kairos University in the United States. Kairos is a fully accredited member of the Association of Theological Seminaries in the United States and as such is nationally recognised. What this means is that if you become a student of TTA you can register with Kairos to do your BA/MA, MDiv, or DMin degrees from an excellent and fully accredited university. At TTA we will be your faculty mentors throughout your educational journey as you are taught by a first-class team of professors at KU. To enquire further as to which courses these are and what institutions accept TTA training, please contact the Academy for further information.

Local and Global

As you navigate around our website you will be introduced to many facets and activities associated with our ministry. In short, we have supported through Timeless Publications (now incorporated into TTA) missions, such as IJM, Wakisa Ministries, Spud Bear Ministries, Open Doors, Advance and the work of Castle Towers school in Ballymena. To date we have been able to raise just £3000 in total for such ministries and our desire is to increase this we select a variety of very valuable and worthwhile ministries.

Listening to God

That is not an easy question to answer. We can only effectively talk about what God is impressing upon our hearts now. We are passionate about theological education. It is our belief that the church as it takes on the challenge of a changing society must be rooted in a proper and faithful understanding of what the scriptures teach. It will be difficult for any succeeding generation to effectively carry out the great commission unless it has a proper understanding of God's revelation. To undertake this task we must rightfully divide the word of truth and this takes effort and discipline. At TTA we want to help people engage in this process so that they can effectively engage the world around them seeking not only the salvation of the lost, but to act and salt and light in every community that God places them.

A Course for Everyone

To engage in any of our courses no qualifications are required. However, if you want to proceed to another college even after having obtained satisfactory passes in any of our courses, you may have to meet the admissions requirement of that institution.


This is the easiest of all questions to answer. Simply navigate to our website, select a course that you would like to do and pay the fee. If you are local or can travel to Ballymena that might be a course that you can attend. However, for all students, once you have enrolled you will be contacted and assigned a tutor that will oversee your progress. Now go ahead and hit that course button now!