This certificate is awarded by TTA and accredited by the Thirdmill Institute and involves the following subjects; The Pentateuch, Kingdom, Covenants and Canon in the Old Testament, Kingdom and Covenant in the New Testament, the Gospels, the Book of Acts, Building Your Theology and The Apostles Creed.

The Book of Acts, also called "The Acts of the Apostles," is the companion volume to the Gospel of Luke. It records the establishment of the early church under the leadership of the Apostles, and the activity and growth of the church during the middle of the first century.

In the modern church, Christians often turn to the book of Acts to explore questions related to the charismatic gifts, and to investigate different matters related to church government and authority. These concepts are certainly talked about in the Book of Acts. But what was Luke's main point as he wrote this book? What big picture did he try to give readers as a context for understanding these secondary matters? What was the main thing he wanted his readers to learn and to do?

Series Goals:

  • Introduce viewers to the background and primary message of the Book of Acts.
  • Summarize the structure, content, original meaning and modern application of the Book of Acts.

The first five books of the Old Testament are commonly called the Pentateuch. They tell the story of the nation of Israel from creation to preparation for the conquest of the Promised Land. But is the Pentateuch simply the historical account of God’s chosen people? Or is it something more?

This series explores the books of Genesis through Deuteronomy, examining why they were written, what they meant to their original audience, and how we should respond to them today.

Course Goals:

  • Summarize the structure, content, original meaning and modern application of the books of Genesis through Deuteronomy.
  • Explain how Moses' original audience would have understood the narratives contained in the first five books of the Bible and what these stories mean for modern believers.
  • Provide outlooks and information on a variety of issues associated with the Pentateuch.

There are many denominations, divisions and theological disputes in the modern church. But despite these types of disunity, there is a common core of belief that all faithful Christians have affirmed throughout history. And for almost two millennia, this core of belief has been summarized in the Apostles' Creed. This series explains the history and use of the Apostles' Creed, as well as the details and significance of each of its articles of faith.

Course Goals:

  • Introduce viewers to the history and value of the Apostles' Creed.
  • Explain each of the doctrines listed in the Apostles' Creed.
  • Demonstrate the relevance of these doctrines to the modern church.


Course Description

Modern evangelical theology is flooded with conflicting viewpoints. Many of these disagreements arise between denominations, while others arise within denominations and individual churches. The apparent hopelessness of reaching theological unity has even led some Christians to deny the value of theology altogether.

With so many different ideas competing for our loyalty, how are followers of Jesus to determine what to believe? And how committed should we be to specific doctrines and traditions?

What you'll learn

  • You will learn how to discuss the foundations of Christian theology.

  • You will learn how to introduce the interconnected disciplines of biblical studies, theology, church history, and practical theology.

  • You will learn how to describe a responsible, scriptural method for developing theological convictions.

Unfortunately, many modern Christians lack a firm understanding of the theology and significance of the Old Testament. As a result, they are inadvertently attempting to live their Christian lives based only on the New Testament.

Yet, Jesus and his apostles taught that the Old Testament is very important for Christians. As a matter of fact, when Paul told Timothy that all Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, he was referring primarily to the Old Testament.

Course Goals:

  • Orient viewers to the overarching message of the Old Testament.
  • Summarize the theological emphases of the Old Testament.
  • Provide a strategy for applying the Old Testament to modern life.

As a registered member of the learning hub, you will be meeting with a facilitator. As such you should have already received all the written course materials. Nevertheless, it is advised that you access the videos, PDF course notes and participants guide. TTA will also supplement these notes with extra reading materials and links that you might find useful. Please proceed to the first lesson.

Course Description

In our Introduction to the Gospels, we will touch on four crucial matters. First, we will examine the Gospels in terms of their literary character. Second, we will look at their status in the church. Third, we'll consider the unity between the Gospels. And fourth, we'll explore the variety that distinguishes them from each other. Let's begin by looking at the literary character of these books.

What you'll learn

  • You will learn about the distinctive character of the gospels, their unity and diversity and importance given to them by the church. 

  • You will learn how to use this knowledge to better prepare yourself to read and apply the teaching of the gospels to everyday life.

  • You will learn how the gospels became the foundation of motivating the early church to mission beginning at Jerusalem and reaching far beyond its borders.


Course Description

Have you ever wondered why the New Testament gives so much attention to the kingdom of God? Or how this central theme relates to the new covenant in Christ? This series explores these two fundamental features of the New Testament by examining where they originated and what they mean for us today.

What you'll learn

  • You will learn how to understand the overarching message of the New Testament.

  • You will learn how to summarize the theological emphases of the New Testament.

  • You will learn how to provide a strategy for applying the New Testament to modern life.