The Academy is undergoing significant changes. One of those changes is that we have moved solely from being an online community to also having a building to operate from. Whilst we are working hard to have a well-resourced online teaching college we are also working hard to provide a physical space for our students who live in Northern Ireland.
Whilst our library is small it is also growing and we have many exciting creative plans as to how it could be used. Working together we want to create a resource that will not only financially support our ministry and mission and indeed other missionary organisations, but also provide a tool for the public to grow in their biblical knowledge at a fraction of the cost of buying the more expensive books. Oh yes, and before we forget, members get a discount on the purchase of any new Christian books on sale.
Above you will see some of the 2600 plus books in our library. We are delighted that both the students and the public will soon have access to an ever-increasing material library, where they can actually open a book and read it.
We have kept the prices of joining exceptionally low and yet we have a vested interest in making sure that people avail of our facility. It is our express purpose to be a missional college. In other words, we exist not only to teach theology but also to provide help to fund mission and ministry. Your annual subscription will help us fulfil that vision.
Most of all we want the Christian community to use the rich resources provided by others to help them grow in their faith. As far as Christian resources are concerned we are delighted to make such a resource available to both students and the public. We are open every Thursday night between 7.00-9.00 pm and you are free to look around and join us for a chat. Below you can see some of the books we have in our library catalogue, take a moment to click on the link and use the search facility to view our book collection.If you would like to sign up for library membership please click here and follow the link provided.